5 to 1 - Favorite Non-movie Star Wars Characters
Join the 5 to 1 crew this week, where Chris, Kade, and Jett discuss their 5 favorite non-movie Star Wars Characters. This episode will include selections from all of the characters in the expanded universe (EU), Legends, non-canon, or whatever you want to call the Star Wars stories that do not come from the movies. This is for the hardcore Star Wars fans!
5 to 1 - Favorite Current Baseball Players
Join the 5 to 1 crew this week, where Chris, Kade, and Jett discuss the 5 favorite Current Baseball Players, with a little Mickey Mantle talk included as well.
MEGA-CAST! 5 to 1 - Video Games
Join the 5 to 1 crew this week, where Chris, Kade, and Jett discuss the 5 best Video Games... and couldn't stop talking about them. This is a 5 to 1 Mega Cast.
Super Mario or Sonic? How do SNES games stack up against today's XBOX One and PS4 games? Find out!